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With my heart

共有 人看过    来源:互联网    作者:方启华    时间:2016-03-26 13:28

  I hope you always across the window to

  Even if you never look back

  I am always silent

  But I don't care

  You always indifferent to me

  More than a passer-by

  Even if the tears flooded the face

  I'm no longer efforts

  A crescent slowly climb to the top of the sky

  Who know my mood now

  Short hair.

  The firm eyes

  Let me feel the sunshine

  Once the strong and proud

  Have already broken by your indifference

  The last promise

  Is you and I can no longer meet each other

  The beauty of the rainy season

  We meet again

  I stare at you

  But not a word

  Because my heart already no longer care about

  A few short words

  Contains my determination

  The rain ?

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