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Should Teenagers Use Phones?

共有 人看过    来源:作文网收集    作者:匿名    时间:2016-04-12 09:29

  Last week School Magzine made a survey about should teenagers use mobile phones?Our students all had different opinions.

  some of the students agree.Because their reasons are sometime they need to relation their parents and friends.And it's a good to relax by using mobile phone to listen to music or watch movies.Also when we have problems we can use the phone to ask for help.

  But others had different opinions.They thought using it is unhealthy and many students spent too much time on using it,and as time goes on their grades dropped.And the most important is that there is no time for them to make good relationship with their family amd friends.

  In my opinions,using mobile phones has advantages and disadvantages.Teenagers can use the phone to relax or serch some news or anything meaningful,but teenagers can't use it for a long time,it's bad for our eyes.How about your opinion?

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